# Contributing to Hyphenate Thank you for contributing to Hyphenate. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. For any source code files, please include a copyright header as follows: ```lua --[[ Hyphenation, using Frank Liang's algorithm. Gracjan Sekulski's adaptation of Ned Batchelder's Python hyphenation module. The original Python code can be found at: https://nedbatchelder.com/code/modules/hyphenate.html This module provides a function to hyphenate words. The `hyphenate_word` function takes a string (the word) and returns a table of parts that can be separated by hyphens. >>> hyphenate_word("hyphenation") {'hy', 'phen', 'ation'} >>> hyphenate_word("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious") {'su', 'per', 'cal', 'ifrag', 'ilis', 'tic', 'ex', 'pi', 'ali', 'do', 'cious'} >>> hyphenate_word("project") {'project'} Gracjan Sekulski, August 2024. This Lua code is provided under the same public domain terms as the original Python code. --]] ``` ## Patches Patches are to be sent to `gracjan@sekulski.org`. After making your changes, simply use `git diff | tee 001_example.patch`, naming your patch appropriately. ## Coding Style A configuration for your text editor is provided in `.editorconfig`.